Septic System Maintenance

Do you know when your septic system was serviced last?

If not, it has probably been too long. In order to ensure a properly maintained septic system, it is recommended that a septic tank be cleaned every 2 to 3 years, depending on the number of people living in the home. Proper maintenance extends the life of the system by reducing the amount of solids build-up and preventing waste from exiting the tank and clogging the drainage area.

Contrary to popular belief, “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” does not apply to septic systems. However, if you do encounter sudden problems, Allied Septic Service, LLC provides a full range of septic services, including:

  • Pumping residential / commercial
  • High pressure sewer jetting
  • All types of repairs

If you would like to schedule a service, click here.
Check out our Maintenance Contracts page, here

For septic tank cleaning, Allied Septic Service, LLC can usually schedule same day emergency service, or meet most other scheduling needs (7 days). Price may vary according to Zone, County, Zip Code, System, Residential, and/or Commercial.

When you call Allied Septic Service, LLC

  1. Our technician will locate and uncover your septic tank lid, wherever it may be. In difficult cases, we have electronic locating devices at our disposal.
  2. While pumping the septic tank, our technician will ask you to flush all the toilets in the house to ensure that all lines run freely into the septic tank.
  3. After our technician performs a thorough inspection Allied Septic Service, LLC has the ability to perform any needed repairs promptly. Call us at 281-399-2738 for more information. Since many septic repairs require permits, Allied Septic Service, LLC will apply for any required permits and include the fees in the price.
  4. Allied Septic Service, LLC also offers a bacterial enzyme product very effective and less expensive than either the products you may be using or any of the products you may have seen advertised on television.

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